Rheonova participated to CPLF 2022

Rheonova was present at the Congrès de Pneumologie de Langue Française 2022 in Lille where we presented our latest work on bronchial mucus heterogeinity: micro- and macro-rheology study


In lung muco-obstructive diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, severe asthma, the difficulty to cough up sputum is generally associated with abnormal viscoelastic properties of the mucus. Sputum rheology is used as biophysical marker allowing to quatify the patients conditions and/or treatment efficacy. However, the heterogeinity of the mucus sample is often the origin of myriad measurement biases. Here, we tested a method to study the influence of the sample heteogeinity by comparing local and global rheology analysis.