Synthetic gels: ask for your mucus-like fluids

Accelerate your product development

Mucus covers large inner areas of the body. It works as a barrier that excludes intruding particles and microbes, thus making drug delivery to the organs difficult. It also interacts with several medical devices such endoscopes and bronchoscopes.

We offer our services to constitute synthetic gels that mimic the properties of biological mucus. The research and development sectors involved are diverse:

  • Infectious diseases
  • Cilia function and mucus transportation
  • Mucus lubricants
  • Mucin-related therapies
  • Drug delivery
  • Medical devices in contact with mucus

There is a broad range of applications of synthetic mucus. Using our expertise we can help you model the perfect mucus for your applications. Based on our biophysical experience, we will guide you through your projects!

We are open to discussion!

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