Viscoelasticity matters!


Switch to sputum analysis


Understand and treat better

Rheomuco can help

Rheomuco : Easy-to-use device dedicated to mucus analysis

Rheonova designs, develops and sells Rheomuco, a powerful and easy-to-use rheometer that measures the viscoelastic properties of mucus in less than 5 minutes!

Mucus viscoelastic properties are fundamental biophysical markers for your mucus – related projects: whether you are working on nasal, respiratory, cervical or gastro-intestinal diseases, mucus rheology can be the answer!


Our First Newsletter is Here !

We are thrilled to bring you the latest edition of our monthly newsletter. This month, we have curated >>


Dr. Cliff Taggart

I’ve been using Rheomuco for my research projects, and I must say, it’s been a game-changer. The device’s >>

Documentation center

Mucus rheology is an important research subjet

To further your research, here you will find links to publications, websites or posters on rheology of sputum from donors or in vitro cell cultures >>