Artificial mucus: a clean and efficient alternative!

respiratory tract, respiratory, Lung, lungs, bronchi, alveolar, muco-osbtructive, cystic fibrosis, CF, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, COPD, primary ciliary diskenesia, PCD, Asthma, severe asthma, allergies, allergy, Bronchiectasis, Bronchiolitis, bronchitis, Bronchodilators, Bronchoscopy, airway, airways, cough, exacerbation, excaerbations, eosinophilic asthma, spirometry, lung diseases, lung disease, pulmonary rehabilitation, FEV1, airway inflammation, airway dehydration, trachea, chronic bronchitis, submucosal gland research, preclinical, clinical research, acdeminc research, clinical phases, clinics, clinic, clnicians, pulmonologist, drug delivery, inhalers, inhalation, drug efficacy, pharmaceuticals, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, nebulizer cilia, epithelium, epithelial cells, mucociliary clearance, cilia mouvements, ciliary, cilia impairement, mucociliary, mucous, mucous cells, ciliary clearance, mucociliary transport, ciliary beat frequency, airway epithelial, airway epithelium, HBE cells, Air liquid interface cell culture, airway surface liquid, periciliary layer, ciliary dysfunction, Primary human bronchial epithelial, Mucosal surfaces, mucosal barrier, Mucosal surface, mucosal barriers

Using mucus rheology, we help you choose the best solution for your project.

Mucus is a complex fluid composed of various molecules that interact together, resulting in peculiar properties: viscoelasticity, plasticity, stretchability, yield stress. Reproducing all these properties within one single formulation from commercially available constituents is a challenge.

We are able to formulate an artificial mucus balancing cost/volume, biological properties and physical properties. Choices are made based on the intended use and our database.



The selection of the proper ingredients for an artificial mucus is based on:

  • Biological components
    • Mucins
    • DNA
    • Cells
    • Bacteria
  • Chemicals
    • Biopolymers
    • Salts
    • Other polymers

The formulation can be adapted to the wanted physical properties

  • Plasticity
  • Elasticity
  • Stringiness
  • Adhesion


Contact us to learn more about selecting the artificial mucus you need!

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